I read a lot of webmaster and internet marketing forums to get and share ideas. It is obvious that 99% of wannabe online money masters will never get anywhere. This (stuff) isn't easy, but it ain't rocket science either. It's like any other business. Get an idea and execute it. If it doesn't work (or even if it does), start something else.
One great thing about domain speculation and website monetization is- it's f-ing Cheap. Domains are under $10/year. Cheap shared hosting is under $10 a month. If you think of something, buy a domain. Or think of a good domain first and then develop something for it. But most important- Get to WORK. Don't fuck around on forums all day learning how to make a shitty MFA site and then brag when you make $1 a day. I live in America ( where most of those net losers live) and you can't do or buy shit for a dollar. If your site will never do much more than $1 a day, then make 100 more. Research different topics and learn different niches. Learn the technical stuff or outsource to someone who does.
Take a RISK. Yeah, that's right. Don't whine about how you don't know SEO or can't afford PPC. Get to reading. Learn something new. Whip out your credit card. Don't have a credit card? Get some. If you can't afford to invest some time and money, then get a day job.
That's right. A lot of wannabe "make money online at home" suckers don't have a job or any skills at all. They just want to "get paid" for doing nothing. Well, jackass, you can make a lot more money on your own if you leverage your efforts from working from someone else. If you need 30k to live, then get a job making 50-60k. Take the rest and learn SEO, hire content writers, run PPC, whatever you need. If you know what you are doing, you will make money. You probably arent smart enough to quit your day job yet.
Otherwise, if you want to be self-employed- Make it a damn BUSINESS. Don't fuck around on the internet 20 hours a day. You are in this to Make Money, not jerk off. Work on your sites, learn new skills, make new sites,etc. Don't spend all your time sitting around THINKING about shit. You have to EAT. Your family ( if you have) one has to eat. What are YOU going to do to feed those mouths? What are YOU going to do to make sure you do more than just GET BY? What's the point if you have to worry about eating or paying the house payment? If you want to be in business, make big Money.
Having a business means I don't cry if I have to spend $5 OR $500- if it's going to bring me 1000s in return. If you are counting pennies and cutting back, you are missing the big picture. If you can't hack it, find something else to do.
The fact is 99% of these slackers trying to make money online will never get anywhere. They have no initiative, no business acumen, no skills, no drive. They dont want to build a business- they just want to get paid for nothing. They can't take 20 minutes to learn something or $20 to pay for something useful. And 99% of the people who really COULD make something for themselves aren't interested. They are content to work fr "the man" and not worry about shit.
I'm telling you what the e-Book hucksters and MLM fradusters won't. No it's not easy to make money online ( or in mlm, sales, whatever). If you are loser in life, you will not magically become some net millionaire rockstar. You probably are a loser and will always be a loser. You will make more money in 1 week at mcDonald's than you will in the next 5 years online. because you suck at life. You don't have what it takes. Can you change that? Maybe. But you need to start somewhere else. Leave this business to those who want to be in business, not lazy hobbyists.
Quit whining, and Do It
Monday, October 22, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
My Little Website Blog
This will be my little blog about other blogs and sites that I run and what it's like being somewhat of a small time "domainer" slash website developer/marketer.
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